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4 Little Known Things When It Comes To Funerals

· pre planning,singapore funeral,Funeral cost


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The practice of funerals all over the world vary depending on which culture you belong to, and what is known today can be a thing of the past. While there's no secret about the often high funeral cost in Singapore, there are many things that are little known to people when it comes to funerals. 

Without further ado, here are little known facts and other things you might not know about funerals:

You can use other colours for funerals apart from white.

White and sometimes black is one of the most common colours used for every funeral service. The thing with today is that you can personalise your funeral ceremony. Unlike yesterday's traditional funeral, almost every funeral director in Singapore allows you to customise your funeral services to tailor your own desired funeral after you're gone. You can choose your preferred colour, whether it's yellow or pink, and themes as well. 

There are different and fancy shapes for urns.

The shape of urns isn't limited anymore with the round container. Many funeral homes and even funeral pre-planning in Singapore lets you have the freedom to choose fancy-shaped urns and even caskets of different size, colours and materials. 

You can play any music at a funeral service.

It's true that most Singapore funeral services are expected to be solemn and silent. However, some people have a strong desire to make their funeral service a little memorable and one-of-a-kind to their liking - by playing music in the background to fill gaps of silence between.

You can donate your organs.

You can donate your organ after your death and still have a visitation or funeral service. After your death, some of your healthy organs can be used and benefited for other individuals who might need them. It is helpful and can improve someone's life even after you are gone. 

If you are looking for an experienced funeral director in Singapore, visit Confidence Funeral Services for more info.
