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5 Steps to a Memorable Opening Ceremony

· opening ceremony,events architects,event management,singapore,corporate events
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Project managers are always pressured to organise perfect corporate events like opening ceremonies. Thus, they need all the help they can get from an event management company. These are their steps that helped managers create a memorable event!

1. Select a date and time

You would want the majority of your invited guests to attend the event, therefore you have to carefully choose a date and time. Be careful in setting your event close to popular holidays because this could make them think twice about attending.

2. Prepare an invitation list

Who should you invite to your event? Usually, this should include current and potential customers, your friends and family, suppliers, among others. Giving them plenty of notice, two weeks is preferable, as this would allow them some time to decide.

3. Choose a venue

Now, that you have sorted the date and number of guests, then the next step is to choose an available venue for your groundbreaking ceremony! Remember that this should cater to the number of guests that you have invited with enough space and ventilation. Also, make sure that it is accessible to the public!

4. Program planning

Entertainment is crucial to events because this is what your guests came for, so it would not hurt to plan ahead. Good thing is an event management company could help you organise the time of your event in order to maximise it. A strategy would be limiting the number of speakers and the length of their speeches.

5. Media coverage

Other than reaching out to your target audience, it is advisable to get your local media involved. Allow them to take your unique story and transform it into a press release. Remember that you can request coverage but there is a chance that you might not receive it because some do not have staff available.

Need a reliable event management company to organise your opening ceremony in Singapore? Events Architects is the one you are looking for! Visit their website to get their contact details today.