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5 Things You Need to Avoid Doing While Undergoing Divorce

· lawyer fees divorce,divorce procedure,best divorce lawyer
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While it is unfortunate that a relationship must go through a divorce procedure in Singapore, neither party can do anything they wish during and after the separation. There are still strict laws in place that, if disobeyed, can affect the results of the procedure. Remember to avoid these five things during a divorce.

Lie About Anything

Never provide misleading information at any point while you’re in Singapore and taking a divorce process. This includes false rumours about your spouse, hiding any essential documents, and providing a fabricated story of how things are at home. Remember that the truth can and will show itself sooner or later during the procedure.

Lash Out on the Kids

The entire divorce procedure is between you and your spouse. Never vent your frustrations to your children. The entire process is tough for them, so don’t add your negative emotions. If you need to release everything on your mind, do it with your lawyer. Keep in mind that your kids have nothing to do with you and your partner’s separation.

Blame Your Spouse

Avoid playing the blame game at any point in the divorce process. Remember that you and your spouse once loved each other at some point during the relationship. Be mature and settle it like adults who fell out of love.

Force to Settle It in Court

As much as possible, avoid settling everything in court. You need to know that a divorce in Singapore can cost you a lot of money. Keep this in mind and that you and your spouse will split properties.

Borrow Too Much Money

Avoid debt if possible during the procedure. Take note that your possessions will be shared between you and your partner. Aside from this, you will need to settle your lawyer fees for divorce, among all other expenses.

If you’re looking for the best divorce lawyer in Singapore, contact Lie Chin Chin for more information.