Sporting luxury bags boost people's confidence immeasurably. Besides being a badge of social status, designer brands symbolise high fashion and top-tier quality fashion products.
Luxury bags come at a price that many could not afford. Many illegal manufacturers capitalise on these flaws by producing cheaper counterfeit designer tote bags in the market.
Here are the ways to avoid counterfeit luxury bags in the market:
1.Purchase from the official outlet store.
If you have no trained eyes for spotting authentic designer handbags for women, you might easily fall for replicas. The best and most effective way to ensure that you only get genuine luxury bags is to purchase from the brand's official outlet store. The brand's official website often provides a list of its outlet store locations in different countries.
2.Research the reseller.
Many people buy a pre-owned or preloved designer womens travel bag from resellers online and offline. Resellers of authentic luxury bags include authorised retailers and public consumers. For retailers, check their return and refund policy and their review page. For private resellers, ask for the authentication documents and receipt issued by the brand.
3.Avoid "too good to be true" deals.
Designer tote bags, vintage or not, are tremendously expensive. Finding luxury bags at an affordable price in the market is already a red flag. Even the preloved authentic handbags for women would not cost less than half of their original price.
4.Check the details.
One of the reasons why designer tote bags are expensive is because of their impeccable craftsmanship. It means that there should not be a loose thread, sloppy and uneven stitchings. Lastly, check the quality of the leather. Synthetic leather has a plastic feel to it.
5.Check for hallmark discrepancies.
The number and location of pockets of the particular designer bag model, hologram stickers on the authenticity cards, the spelling and typeface used in the inside labels are the hallmarks of the bag. Check for discrepancies in these hallmarks.
The best way to prevent falling from counterfeits is directly buying from the brand itself.
Embrace fashion and functionality with Louis Vuitton's luxury bags. Visit Louis Vuitton today.