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5 Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Mandarin Course

· Education
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It is not every day that you get the opportunity to learn a new language. If you are getting Mandarin lessons online or face-to-face, you must know how to stay motivated, or you’ll lose your passion! Let these tips help you out.

Don’t open other websites while learning
You spend most of your time on your computer doing and reading a lot of things, and that should be stopped when your lessons start! As much as possible close the tabs that you don’t need when you are in class.

Try handwritten notes
Some people are not comfortable with typing what they learned. If you are one of those people, you must consider getting basic Mandarin courses in Singapore language tuitions instead of online classes. Some tuitions may provide a one-on-one lecture for you!

If you are going to choose online classes, you should try and write your notes in paper instead of on your computer.

Celebrate your victories
Did you get a perfect score on a recent Mandarin quiz? If so, you deserve a reward! Remember that you are allowed to reward yourself once in a while. Rewarding systems have been studied to have positive effects on learners!

Watch movies in Mandarin
Your eyes get tired of reading subtitles, but instead of stopping the movie, try removing the subtitles! It will help you engage in casual conversation in Mandarin since you get to observe how they speak, even when it is scripted.

Take a break
The last thing that you want to happen is getting burnout. Every Chinese tutor in Singapore knows or has already encountered students who get demotivated in learning Mandarin. So, they recommend taking a short break. It is better to pause than to stop altogether!


Do you want to learn Mandarin this 2021? Enrol in Mandarin Plus’ basic Mandarin course in Singapore!

Visit their website to know their online class schedules.
