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Busting DIY Deep Cleaning With Experts Help

· professional mattres,Cleaning services,sofa cleaning,carpet cleaning,professional carpet

As much as I wanted to scrub and deep clean my mattress, sofa and carpets, it wasn't possible because of my job. Before discovering any professional mattress or carpet cleaning services, I struggled.

I work most of the day, and I often sleep whenever I go home because I am always exhausted. I was an independent woman who was meeting ends meet. I can only cook a meal at least twice a week and eat on fast-food chains to arrive at work early.

My job was pretty demanding, and I usually slept all day on the weekends. So cleaning wasn't part of my routine. I do a few basic things like sweeping but no deep cleaning. It went on for months without me even noticing.

Not until my mother told me she was visiting. I was stunned when I realised my house was a living mess!

Lucky for me, a friend of mine recommended sofa and carpet services in Singapore. Clean Care was able to help me bring back my home’s original state.

Mistakes I encountered in cleaning

Before calling a professional carpet and sofa cleaning in Singapore, I tried doing it first. I wanted to save money and check out a few ways that were pretty easy on the internet. But after a while of making failed attempts, I realised calling for carpet cleaning services was the best option.

Leaving it damp and not dry

When I was trying to save the life out of my carpet, I tried the dry method first, like putting baking soda and letting it soak. But the amount of dirt and pet hairs on my carpet was stressful. I eventually had to do a wet method using vinegar and cleaning solutions.

I scrubbed for about an hour and then left it in my bathroom to dry, which is a terrible mistake, by the way. I certainly regret not calling carpet cleaning services because it smelled so bad after a few hours.

Using cleaning solutions with chemicals

My carpet and sofa had some stains on them. The spilt drinks and food happened to come back as a nightmare.

After discovering this, I went to the market for some cleaning solutions. I didn't know the differences and what they were, so I bought anything that said, "can clean 99.9% of germs". The first mistake is not trying it on a small area of fabric, and the second is the toxic smell it left.

Fortunately, the company I hired for a professional carpet and sofa cleaning in Singapore told me a greener solution is a better option. Chemical agents emit a strong stench, and some used in scents are toxic to humans.

Buying and choosing what’s cheap

If there is anything cheap, I am guilty as charged. I thought different cleaning materials do the same job as they claim. However, after my DIY quest of cleaning my mattress, sofa and carpet, I saw the buildup of dirt it left.

The solution and the filth stayed even after vacuuming. You may experience getting tricked with its appearance, but after diving in a few times, you'll notice the dirt is still there. At this moment, I decided I should leave the cleaning with a professional mattress and carpet cleaning company in Singapore.

Choosing experts help over DIY

If you ask any homeowner out there as to why they always choose DIY over any sofa, mattress and carpet cleaning services, you'd probably hear that because it's cheaper. As a failed DIY cleaner myself, I realise that nothing should be expensive if you want to be healthy.

To help you book your carpet, mattress and sofa cleaning company in Singapore, here are some things I did.

I asked for recommendations.

Since I wasn’t familiar with a professional mattress cleaning or a professional carpet cleaning in Singapore, I asked around my friends and neighbours. I list down every suggestion they give and begin from there. You can then search around the internet and read a few reviews so you can verify if their offered mattress, sofa and carpet services in Singapore are licensed.

I called customer service.

You'll know you are hiring the right professional carpet cleaning in Singapore if they provide you with reliable customer service. If they can assist you regarding the prices and promptly offer services, you can expect a better outcome.

I requested a list of costs.

Before you sign up for any sofa, mattress and carpet cleaning services, ensure they provide you with the total cost. Check everything thoroughly and make sure there are no hidden charges or additional fees. You may also request data about the products and methods for cleaning.

If you wish to achieve my clean interior, I highly recommend contacting Clean Care! They provide professional carpet, sofa and mattress cleaning in Singapore. They also let you experience an efficient and effective cleaning solution for your home.