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Debunking 2 Myths About Those Living in Poverty

· effects of poverty,living in poverty,Poverty,Education,education inequality
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Despite the struggles those living in poverty face every day, some of their more privileged neighbours still have misconceptions about their way of life. These beliefs should not be trusted, as they are the opposite of the truth. The effects of poverty are real and harsh. If you’re one of the lucky ones who don’t get to worry about the most fundamental things in life, here are two myths that you or other people may have about the poor.

Poor People are Lazy

This myth undermines all the efforts that the poor give in the hopes of escaping the effects of poverty. For the most part, these people do whatever they can if it means that they’ll be a step closer to a more stable life. Although some fall and resort to illegal activities, most strive and do their best. They take multiple jobs and spend most of their day working. To call them lazy is an enormous slap to the face of society’s most hardworking people.

Go to College to Stop Being Poor

The path to entering and finishing college is already difficult for the poor. Their lack of money to pay for the school’s tuition fees can seem far from their reach. Public schools aren’t free as well. Some of their activities will involve money or require materials that, you guessed it, they need to buy first.

Poverty and its effects on education are harsh on affected students. The stress of living in poor conditions alone is enough to drain the motivation of any child. Aside from this, educational inequality exists between schools in poor communities and those in more privileged ones are big. The quality of resources the less privileged have access to is often subpar when it comes to quality or lack in number for each student.

It is crucial to be aware of society’s everyday struggle. Visit The Best Of You for stories of real people and learn the harsh realities that some of them had to overcome.