Based on the functionality and popularity, womens tote bags and shoulder bags top the most prefered designer bags list. Unlike other bags, such as a backpack and clutch bag, tote bags and shoulder bags have an almost identical appearance, from the straps to the structure. But believe it or not, these bags are different.
Here are the similarities and differences between tote bags and shoulder bags.
Tote bags
Tote bags have two straps you can wear over your shoulder or the crook of your arm. Tote bags have a single compartment with tiny pockets for pens, keys, and other small items inside.
Shoulder bags
Shoulder bags or handbags have one strap, similar to womens crossbody bags. The straps are usually adjustable. Shoulder bags have a taut structure; they can be boxy or cylindrical.
They also have more pockets inside.
Tote bags
Tote bags are usually larger than shoulder bags. They have a wide zipper for the opening and plenty of room for your items.
Tote bags can fit clothes, water bottles, lotion, and other essential items. They are the perfect utility bag besides being an accessory.
Shoulder bags
Shoulder bags are usually smaller than tote bags, though they can carry small items, such as makeup, wet wipes, your smartphones, and keys.
They can be bulky if you try squeezing clothes. Since shoulder bags are structured, it is challenging to fill them with items without ruining their shape.
Tote bags
Tote bags use different materials, such as leather, cloth and fabrics, and cotton. These materials are durable; hence, tote bags are reusable and washable.
Shoulder bags
Shoulder bags use different materials, such as leather, cloth and fabrics, and cotton. But similar to a clutch bag, many prefer genuine and synthetic leather shoulder bags.
Now, which of the two designer bags do you prefer the most? Tote bags or shoulder bags?
Explore different collections of women's designer bags at Louis Vuitton. Visit Louis Vuitton today.