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How Home Air Cleaners and Purifier Work Against Allergies

Allergy is “a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or breathing something harmless to most people." In other words, our bodies are protecting us from something harmless. It’s like a false alarm. What happens is our immune system produces antibodies to protect us. In the case of a real threat, this is vital. In the case of allergies, it is more of a nuisance. And can wreak havoc with your sinuses, skin and respiratory system. For someone with asthma, it can be dangerous.

In this article, we will explain what allergies are and how a good air purifier in Singapore can offer relief. We hope this will help you understand the importance of air purifying filters for your home.

How an Air Purifier Can Help You Manage Your Allergies

The high-level concept is that you need high-quality filters and sufficient airflow for your room or living area to have an effective air filtration system. We'll start first with the filters. Any good air purifier will have high-quality filters. For allergy relief, we are mainly interested in removing particulates from the air and the best filter for this is a HEPA filter. Air purifier filters are referred to in a variety of ways. This includes HEPA filters, HEPA-type filters, true HEPA filters, plus a variety of other names that have HEPA as part of them. A true HEPA filter means it removes at least 99.97% of airborne particles that are 0.3 microns or larger. While technical, there is a better way to compare filters. A true HEPA air cleaner will remove the most difficult airborne particulates. Meaning the smallest sized particles, those with the smallest since in microns.

In addition to the HEPA air filter, most room air purifiers also have a pre-filter. In some cases the pre-filter has carbon. If the carbon pre-filter is a foam filter sprayed on a coating of activated carbon the effectiveness will below. If it is a granular activated carbon pre-filter (which are the carbon pellets), you will get much better odour removal. Since allergies are from airborne particulates you just need the HEPA filter.

Do you need a carbon filter? If you would also like odour or tobacco smoke removal then a carbon filter that is activated is a must.

What Kinds of Allergies Can An Air Purifier Help With?

Many allergens can impact our health, and we need to be aware of the most common and the most problematic so we can make the appropriate changes for our health. Whether you are an allergy sufferer yourself, or you have someone in the home with significant allergies, understanding what you are allergic to will help you choose the best allergy home air cleaner.

  • Dust Removal

Dust is a common allergen and HEPA air filters are the best way to remove dust from the air in your home. This may be surprising to you but we see an increase in air purifiers being purchased for dust removal in the winter. In many cases, this is due to the heat being turned on and dust that has accumulated in the air ducts is then blown throughout your home.

  • Mould

Inside, mould is one of the most common indoor air pollutants that can impact your health. It is often found in moist and dark corners of the home, especially basements. It can also be found under sinks and faucets, especially if there is any leaking from the pipes. Mould appears stationary, but it loves to travel.

Specifically, it sends out spores that are meant to create colonies in different areas. These spores are light and microscopic, and they can be inhaled, creating numerous health concerns for even healthy individuals.

  • Pollen

Pollen is another common airborne allergen, and while it’s usually associated with the outdoors, pollen can make its way into your home and create problems for allergy sufferers. Throughout different times of the year, trees, weeds, and grasses will release their pollen into the air, which is used to create new growth. The air can become thick with tiny specs of pollen, but even if you limit your outdoor time, there is a good chance that these particles can make their way inside. If you suffer from pollen allergies, avoid areas where there is lots of pollen growth, such as grassy areas or woodlands. Flowers do not cause pollen issues. It’s trees, grasses, and weeds that create the airborne pollen that causes hay fever and other issues.

  • Pet Dander

Pet dander is another issue that gives allergy sufferers problems. Many breeds of cats and dogs are prone to shedding their fur, but it’s the small skin flakes, known as dander, that creates a variety of problems for people with pet allergies. When a dog is in the home, their dander can be in the air, causing sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Bathing the pet helps control dander, and allergy sufferers are encouraged to keep their pets out of the bedroom and off of furniture, especially the bed itself.

  • Dust Mites

Although unpleasant to think about, dust mites are a common airborne allergen that can be present in many different homes. Dust mites are small insects that are related to spiders. They can create dust through their leavings, as well as parts of their bodies that make it into the air. When inhaled, these airborne particles from dust mites can be a serious issue for anyone who suffers from allergies. If you are choosing an air purifier, make sure you have one that can trap particles from dust mites.

If you are looking for an expert-recommended air purifier in Singapore, visit our website, and start breathing clean air today.