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Switching Electrical Companies in Singapore: How to Do It?

· Electricity
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When you first immigrated, you must have been paying the same electricity rate in Singapore. Well, this year you might think that it is time to change due to reasons, such as your work from home arrangement. Allow this article to guide you through the process!

Compare electricity rates
Currently, you are not satisfied with your ballooning electricity rate. What you can do is explore other electrical companies in Singapore to get the most suitable deal for your arrangement today and in the future!

Talk to a prospective company
The information you might see in the retailer’s website may not be enough. So, if you want to know more about Union Power’s solar leasing in Singapore, for instance, you should contact them! Engage with them to know more about their plans to get the best deal among their offers.

Learn their sign-up process
Electrical companies value convenience, so they ensure that their customers could access their website and find everything they need there. It includes sign-up forms where customers, like you, can easily schedule a switch appointment!

Prepare your small home office
What homeowners don’t know about switching to electrical companies is that you won’t lose your power when the switch happens. So, if you choose to switch to solar energy in Singapore, you would only need to prepare for their people who would make the switch!

Keep track of your electricity consumption
Now that you have a new electricity plan, whether fixed or standard, it is important to keep track of your consumption so you meet what you have paid for. Consider installing an app or asking the customer service of your chosen electrical company to know your consumption!

With Union Power, a reputable electrical company in Singapore, you are assured that your electricity plans would meet your expectations! They have excellent customer service that you could rely on.