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Terrarium, Paludarium, or Aquarium: What’s the Difference?

· Aquarium

To answer this question for new lizard owners, you have to know first, what is the one thing that these three living containers have in common: terrariums, paludarium, and aquarium. You got it! Life is the right answer.

Although they generally look the same in appearance, their difference, however, depends on whose life are they preserving. Here, let this article give you an idea of what to purchase for your lizard.

Their Use
Coming from their Latin root words, the “terra” in terrarium means land, while “aqua” in aquarium means water, and “palus” in paludarium means swamp.

From this, you could already have an idea what’s their function. The aquarium is for aquatic creatures, while terrarium is for land creatures and paludarium is for amphibians—animals who can live both in water and land.

How Much Water?
For a desktop aquarium kit, you need to fill the whole tank with water and sealed to keep fishes from jumping out or breaking the glass. It is also essential to add a filter, conditioner, heater and air pump.

On the other hand, a desktop terrarium kit doesn’t need water, but it needs gravel and small growing plants like spiderwort and golden clubmoss for the land creatures to survive.

However, for a nano paludarium is different, it needs both water and soil for the amphibians to survive. The amount of water depends on the amount of how many creatures you want to keep.

In Conclusion

Although a lizard is a reptile, there are some lizards (Chinese water dragon) that prefer to live in a semi-moisture living environment like what a nano paludarium has to offer. So, if your lizard does enjoy swimming and soaking themselves in water, this is one you should consider purchasing.

For more information about these living containers, you can contact Bokkusu Kei. They can help you choose which nano paludarium is the best for your lizard!