Singapore is a melting pot of religious groups. Christians, in particular, is a sizeable portion of the population. Of those religious groups, Catholics are some of the most numerous, hovering at around 38% of the entire Christian population.
When you or your family is Catholic, there may come a time that the passing of a loved one may require you to know the ins and outs of how to arrange a Catholic funeral. If you’ve already attended a Christian funeral, you may already be familiar with some of the processes involved in preparing for the funeral.
A closer look at Catholic funerals
Catholic funeral packages consist of three basic things: the wake or vigil, the mass, and the burial or graveside event. Catholic funerals are usually deeply spiritual events, so don’t be surprised that it is a very prayerful occasion from start to finish. Compared to some other denominations like Protestantism, Catholic funerals are much more formal in comparison.
Can Catholic funerals be affordable?
It may be difficult to search for affordable funeral services if you’re on a tight budget. Traditional Catholic funerals can set you back thousands of dollars if you’re not careful. If you’re looking for cheaper services, you need to be careful about your expenditures. Here are some tips for cheaper Catholic funerals.
1. Do a cremation instead of a burial.
While burials are more traditional, cremations are much cheaper by comparison. The Catholic Church used to ban this practice, but now it is permitted under certain conditions.
2. Opt for a graveside service.
Holding funerals at funeral homes is pricier. Holding it at places like your local church, which you’re a member of, means fewer costs.
3. Speak to a priest.
They are very knowledgeable about any questions regarding cheaper funeral costs for Catholic funerals. Get in touch with them and speak at length.
Contact Eternal Life in Singapore to know more about the funeral packages and services we offer.