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What Makes a Good Signage Graphics?

· Signage Printing,Printing company
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Signages are one of the important tools for consumers to recognise your brand. Just like effective safety signs in Singapore can prove to be useful when navigating and often tells what to expect in a certain area. A signage graphic can communicate with your consumers and lets them know what to expect from you without giving too much information.

It’s one of the most ‘magical’ things that good signage can do for businesses. A simple etching sign provides clear pointers and directions, a functional one is way better than stacking and peeling up wanted sign graphics that aren’t telling anything in a clear sense.

It’s simple to say, graphic signage can make your business and sometimes break them as well. Here are simple things you need to know what make good signage graphics.

Clear Message

As we’ve mentioned earlier, it can communicate with consumers visually. A good one should be able to deliver messages directly or straightforwardly rather than cryptic or having another meaning. Failing to be direct can result in miscommunication, it could mean another thing. Failing to make your message clear simply means you failed to deliver your intended message for your audience/consumers.

Great colours

Colours can make or break your designs easily no matter how persuasive your graphics are. A colour needs to complement or contrast with your designs if you want to make it stand and capture/attract the eyes of your customers. If you aren’t so sure what colours you think would fit on your signage, it’s best to look online for inspiration. There are tons of amazing colour combinations that you can use. They even have their meaning as well which can enhance and work well with your message.


Of course, who would understand your message and appreciate your graphics if it can’t be read properly? A contrast between the background colour and your text/graphics should be a vital part when it comes to compositing signage for your business. It should be easily read and the colours should be able to blend nicely with your text if you want effective signage.

Nanyang advertisings are the experts and professionals when it comes to signage making and UV printing services in Singapore.