Unless your child is a truly bookish or academic type, the chances are that as soon as they are outside of school, the last thing they want to think about is focusing on anything school-related. School activities can be both mentally and physically exhausting, and the last thing a kid might want is to pile on more work when they get back home. But homework is a natural part of school activities that students have to account for.
Why you should help your child develop good homework habits
As a parent, how to motivate your children to do work that needs to be done at home is key. They may be tempted to put aside the work to be done later, but if they neglect it for too long, they might have a hard time finishing it later and their grades will suffer as a result. So helping them develop good homework habits is a must if you want to trust them to do their own homework in the future.
Here are some parenting tips in Singapore to help you out.
1. Don’t be afraid to check in with their progress or ask for help. Keep in touch with teachers or hire an educational consultant in Singapore for more information on their homework outcome.
2. Learn the difference between guiding and hovering. Remember: only your child can be able to control the direction of their life. Being a nagging parent will only make your child feel suffocated, and they can be tempted to rebel.
3. Help them set up and keep to a routine. In the first few days, your child may feel too distracted or discouraged to keep to a healthy homework schedule. Set aside time for writing courses in Singapore and other extracurriculars.
Carean Oh is a professional writer and educator with the goal of helping students achieve their career goals. For more information on writing courses and other ways that children can improve their school standing, reach out to her now!