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Things You Can Do With Your Old Car

· Car Dealer

Anyone would hesitate to renew the COE of their car if they have to forfeit their PARF rebates—it could be worth a few thousand dollars. For that reason, many car owners are wondering what they should do with their old car? Usually, their answer is—I have to sell my car in Singapore. However, there are other options you can do with your old car.

1. Sell It for Parts
Just in case you didn’t know cars are recyclable. It means that your old car may not be worth anything as a whole, but selling it for parts would be worth a thousand dollars. Of course, that depends on what type of car do you have, so negotiate wisely to get the price you deserve.

2. Scrap It
If you can’t sell your car for parts because everything is in poor condition, then recycle it. The best way to do that is to bring it over to a scarp car shop in Singapore. Your car will be a material to make a new vehicle or other equipment.

3. Use It for Other Things
Some car owners are feeling sentimental about selling their car in Singapore—“I don’t want to sell my car”. If you have the same dilemma, then why don’t you use it to make a bed or a sofa.

4. Revamp It
You can also make your old car look new. Try transforming it by fixing the engine, adding a few accessories and voila. You have a brand-new looking car again! However, be careful, revamping means you have to spend a lot of money to make it look new again.

5. Sell It to Car Dealers
If you thought that owning a car is too expensive, then why don’t you can sell your car to car dealers in Singapore? They would export your car to neighbouring countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.

If you are looking for reliable a scrap car shop in Singapore, check out SgCarTrade. They offer excellent scrapping services and best deals for your old car!