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What Are The Common Reasons Behind Motorcycle Accidents In Singapore?

· driver monitoring,blind spot detection
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Road accidents for motorcycle riders in Singapore have been decreasing. A total of 63% have been involved in fatal accidents last 2020. This data is the bike riders’ population only. It’s important to have a driver monitoring system, whether driving a sedan, bike, sports utility vehicle (SUV), or whatever vehicle type it is. 

Here are the top causes of road accidents for bike riders in the country.

1. Overspeeding Driving above the limit is the leading cause of road accidents in Singapore. Most motorcyclists over speed because they need to hurry for meetings or interviews. Overspeeding can cause accidents on intersections or sharp turns. Limit your speed to prevent being detained, motorcycle confiscation, and paying a hefty fine.

2. Cross-traffic accidents Collisions at intersections are common in Singapore. These usually happen when motorcyclists run a red light or make left turns without yielding. To prevent these T-bone accidents, you may install a blind spot detection sensor. This will help you detect vehicles in the adjacent lanes. 

3. Drinking and Riding Always bear in mind the anti-drink drive campaign, “Drink or drive, you decide”. Too much alcohol intake can hinder vision and impair judgement while on the road. You may hail a cab or hitchhike to ensure your and the other drivers’ safety. 

4. Jaywalkers and Road Cyclists Some pedestrian lanes have dimly lit lights. It would be challenging to see jaywalkers or road cyclists in areas with dim or no lights at all. Installing a blind spot monitoring system or driving slowly in pedestrian lanes are the safest options for bike riders.

Accidents may happen anytime and anywhere. You must protect your car’s dashboard fleet management to reduce the risks of accidents, vehicle downtime, and other vehicular dangers. In Singapore, there have been a growing number of CCTV cameras to detect road accidents and other crimes. 

For your driver monitoring system and other car safety systems and services, learn more about this on Guardian South East Asia’s website.