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Why I Tried CrossFit

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Ever since I graduated and got a job from a corporate office, I didn’t have much time to look out for myself. I always end up staying late in the office because I am too busy. I even resorted to stress-eating whenever I felt overwhelmed in work. By the end of the year, I got too fat. Fortunately, I discovered a CrossFit gym in Singapore. Joining it helped me get back in shape.

How I Discovered CrossFit

I’ve heard about CrossFit gyms before from my colleagues who are gym junkies. My first impression of it wasn’t great because I heard they always have to lift heavyweights. Their personal fitness coach would push them to their limits just to complete a routine. I thought I wouldn't be able to last in a single CrossFit training session if I were in their shoes. So, I decided not to join them at first. But, since I was getting worried about my unhealthy body weight, I agreed to check it out. Just to see how their actual training goes.

Trial Lessons for CrossFit

It was a good thing that the CrossFit gym near Pasir Panjang allows non-members to get free trial lessons. My colleagues chose this particular gym because it’s near our office. Plus, it’s one of the CrossFit gyms in the West region of Singapore that has a spacious box. When I first went there, I was surprised at how big it is. I got to talk with one of their staff and I learned that their equipment is from Eleiko. I had no idea about CrossFit equipment back then, so I looked it up online and I found out that Eleiko makes Olympic award-winning weightlifting equipment. If it’s that great, then I can be sure that it’s safe to use their equipment while I am training.

During the trial lessons, I was kind of nervous because I have no idea how CrossFit works. I’ve heard stories from my colleagues, but it’s still different if I’m going to try it out myself. I was just lucky that my instructor was so kind and considerate. Since I am just a beginner, she didn’t push me at first, but the exercises gradually got tougher. There’s a part of me that wants to give it up and quit, but the other part tells me that I should keep going. Their personal fitness coach was so supportive and she made sure that I won’t get injured even though the workout routines are quite intense. It was a challenging experience, but I had fun. I didn’t expect that I’d like it so much that I ended up signing up for their CrossFit training sessions right on the spot. It’s been a while since I felt the adrenaline of doing an intense workout. But, of course, my body got sore the next day. I’m glad we chose to do the trial lessons on a Friday, so it’s the weekend after that.

Things that I Liked About CrossFit

One of the things that attracted me to join a CrossFit personal training programme in the West of Singapore is the varied exercises. Every session, they would teach me a different set of exercises. It’s what they call WOD or Workout Of the Day. Usually, it’s a mix of pushups, jumps, squats, running exercises, and lifting weights. WOD is a combination of cardio and strength exercises. Indeed, it’s tough. At first, I hated the process because it’s so hard for me to finish the routine, but by the end of it, I suddenly loved it. I felt accomplished, and I felt more good about my body. Do you know that feeling where you feel great after getting a good stretch? It’s like that but a hundred times better. Sure, there were aches and sores afterwards, but all if is worth it. I found myself getting addicted to these exercises because it helped me feel good. I don’t feel tired most of the time, unlike before. It’s also easier for me to climb a flight of stairs without having to catch my breath afterwards. Moreover, I can now lift heavy groceries without feeling too exhausted after a few steps. But, the best thing that happened to me when I started CrossFit is that I lost a lot of weight! I managed to bring back my sexy body! Thanks to CrossFit, I felt more confident.

Recommended CrossFit Box in Singapore

If you are interested in trying out CrossFit, then check out Set Free! It’s a spacious CrossFit gym near Pasir Panjang in which they have almost all the equipment you need for CrossFit. Plus, their personal fitness coaches in Singapore are friendly yet professional. They will surely help you achieve your fitness goals! It’s where I got some CrossFit training, so I can vouch for their coaches.